Commentary Sections

Young People And Sunday Mass

Commentary » Young People And Sunday Mass


Renewing the Vision:The U.S. Bishops’ Blueprint for Youth Ministry

Last Revised on July 07, 2016

Excerpts from "Renewing the Vision, A Framework for Catholic YouthMinistry," NCCB, 1997:

"Parishes should be a place where young people are welcomed, grow inJesus Christ and minister side by side with the adults of the community."

"Parishes should have programs for young people that recognize their special talents and role in the life of the Church. They bring to the parish community youthfulness, energy, vitality, hopefulness and vision."

"If parishes are to be worthy of the loyalty and active participation of youth, they will need to become "youth friendly" communities in which youth have a conspicuous presence in parish life. These are parish communities that value young people — welcoming them into their midst; listening to them; responding to their needs; supporting them with prayer, time, facilities, and money. These areparish communities that see young people as resources — recognizing and empowering their gifts and talents, giving them meaningful roles in leadership and ministry, and encouraging their contributions."

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