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Scouting As Youth Ministry

Commentary » Scouting As Youth Ministry


Adult Recognitions

Last Revised on January 12, 2012

Adults who work tirelessly and without pay to mentor young people deserve special acknowledgment as well. Two medals are specially designed with the adult religious recognition moderator in mind. The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal recognizes any adult who serves Catholic youth through national organizations like Girl Scouts of the USA and Camp Fire USA, the St. Anne Medal, is the highest recognition for adults. These recognitions are not given based upon completion of a program, but are awarded by the diocese to adults who model the highest ideals for young people. Suggested guidelines for the awarding of the medals are available.

The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal

The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton recognition was inaugurated in 1980 to recognize the meritorious contributions of adults who serve Catholic youth through Girl Scouts and Camp Fire. This medal affirms the work of those who help youth develop their spiritual lives within the context of these organizations. It will ordinarily be received before the St. Anne Medal is earned, but is not a requirement for receiving the St. Anne Medal.

The Saint Anne Medal

The St. Anne Medal is the highest national recognition for adults who serve Catholic youth through Girl Scouts and Camp Fire. The recognition was inaugurated in 1957 and redesigned in 1980. The purposes of the St. Anne recognition are:

Related Policies:

Religious Recognition medals and patches may only be purchased and conferred by the diocesan authorized administrators upon verification of program completion and award application. 2015