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Leadership In Youth Ministry

Commentary » Leadership In Youth Ministry


Off-site Parish Youth Ministry & Site Selection

Last Revised on January 13, 2012

Off-site Parish Youth Ministry

As part of a holistic, intentional, year-round youth ministry in a parish, youth often participate in activities and events that take place away from the parish premises. These activities may be parish, multi-parish, deanery, or Diocesan sponsored, and also requires us to be concerned for the safety and well being of our youth.

Site Selection

If you use a site other than parish property (including a private home) for activities, the property owner  should be aware of the increased liability risk he/she incurs. In the case of private homes, homeowners should check with their insurance agent to see if they are protected for church group activities. Some policies cover such activities while others require an additional rider.

Related Policies:

Youth Ministry Leaders must use the appropriate form (GUIDELINES FOR SITE SELECTION FOR A PARISH YOUTH ACTIVITY IN A PRIVATE HOME) prior to ministry in a private home. 1963

For any youth ministry events and activities off-site, Youth Ministry leaders must use the appropriate form(s) prior to ministry. 1964