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Adolescent Catechesis

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Confirmation Guidelines

Last Revised on December 22, 2014

1. The Confirmation preparation program should never be equated with comprehensive youth ministry or adolescent catechesis. Parishes that extend Confirmation preparation over the course of an entire school year (or more) run the risk of Confirmation preparation becoming the only ministry to and with youth. Confirmation prep is about engaging young people in the steps necessary to understand and prepare for the sacrament in which they choose to partake. Confirmation Preparation is not, and should never become, a “last ditch” effort to teach young people all the leaders believe they should know prior to “graduating” from religious education. If youth ministry is comprehensive, then Confirmation prep is one of many opportunities for continuing faith formation in a parish.

2. Catechesis for Confirmation should recognize the importance of the entire community as catechizing agents. Every effort should be made to incorporate the community in the preparation process.

3. A program for Confirmation catechesis must involve the parents in significant ways. Minimally, the parents should be given an orientation to the program; an overview of current theological development of the sacrament; opportunities to reflect on the life of the Spirit in their own lives and suggestions for family support and participation in discussion around attributes or character of the sacrament.

4. The immediate preparation for Confirmation should follow the format of the diocesan planning process for parish youth catechesis, i.e., each theme should be planned to include the cognitive element (believing); the affective (trusting); and acting (doing).

5. The content of the catechesis includes a review of the following themes:*

6. Scripture should be at the heart of each and every theme. Every effort should be made to encourage the candidates to read and be nourished by God’s Word.

7. Prayer that engages and active participation in worship should also be encouraged during this time.

8. Sponsors: Each candidate selects his/her own sponsor. Ideally, the sponsors should be involved in the preparation of the candidates. They should be adequately prepared to carry out their role. Parishes may have a practice of assigning or allowing the candidate to select a member of the local community to accompany him/her on the journey to Confirmation and participate in the immediate preparation process. This person may or may not be the same as the sponsor.

9. Retreats can be effective elements in a catechetical or Confirmation program.

10. Since service to the Church and community is a natural overflowing from the liturgy and the presence of the Spirit, Confirmation Preparation does not include required service hours. The parish should provide many and varied ways for all members to participate in faithful service and should encourage theological reflection before and after service experiences.

11. It is appropriate that prior to final preparation for the sacrament, the candidate should:

12. The candidate, catechist, parish priest (or delegate) and parents/guardians discern the readiness of the candidate to proceed to Confirmation.

13. Postponement: If for any reason, a decision is made to delay Confirmation, the parish should make every effort to keep the individual involved in the life of the community. Future invitations should be offered encouraging the individual to renew his/her preparation for the sacrament.

*The catechesis assumes that these and other themes have been taught in the major catechetical programs that have been offered by the school and the parish. Catechesis at this time should be a deepening of the understanding and a reflection on the themes suggested above.

Related Policies:

Parishes are to follow the Diocesan Guidelines for Confirmation when preparing young people for reception of the sacrament. 463

Preparation for reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation may not begin before eighth grade. 464

Catechesis for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a distinct program, separate from but integrated with other components of youth catechesis/youth ministry. 1914

Confirmation Preparation does not include required service hours. 1915